Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Great Generation of the 20th Century

Honoring the Great Generation
On June 4, 2016 the City added to its World War II Memorial to the veterans of that war. The main additions are two monoliths with the names of veterans killed.

Previously there was only a circle of military symbols in that area of the Worcester Commons.  This circle is schedule to be made into some sort of fountain.

At times it was not clear to me whether the City was  honoring the veterans or whether the City brought together the veterans as props for this public works project. It was clear that City Manager Augustus has taken some credit for the project and that other City bosses had a nice photo opt.
 It was immediately clear that the veterans were thankful for the event. They were so happy that many went out of their way to shake people’s hands and to chat.

 All World War II veterans are at least in their 80’s. Most like my Dad have passed on. Some are disabled.

 Albert B. Southwick, a writer for a local newspaper, gave the key note speech, He is a World War II. He touched on  the dangers of Fascism and how the brave fighters defeated it. However he used the word “ evil” instead of “fascist”/Mr. 

Southwick being a historian, it was a disappointment that he did not mention the struggle by his generation to overcome the Great Depression created by an irrational capitalist system. The struggle against the impoverishment of the Great Generation by the Great Depression was as dire as the fight against Fascism.  Two of my aunts died then in infancy.

I suppose that it is not Politically Correct to say those things.

There were some war machines on display. I think these things are out of place when honoring the dead or the living for that matter.
 I spoke to one World War II veteran about the “Sherman” tank being used as a prop for photos. He responded that he had seen it.

I could tell from his response that he did not want to talk about it. It might have been because the Sherman tank was a death trap. It could not stop the German Panther tank.

There is a thin line between honoring veterans and glorifying war.

I did not notice one Black or dark skin veteran in the March of Veterans from Front St. to the seating area.  I did notice two Black men  in the audience I know as veterans, although not from World War II.

Of course the obvious questions arose, Was there any efforts made to include so called veterans of color. The struggle for the restoration of the Honor Roll for Veterans of Color has included at least one VFW post with Black Veterans.

When the song “Proud to be an American” played before the National Anthem I cringed. Although well intentioned. The line “at least I know I am free” is a form of slavery denial. I suppose none Black Vets and the controversial song are a reflection of a lack of diversity in the organization of the event, a sort of color blind disparate impact occurrence.

People of that era, veterans, genocide survivors, survivors of the Great Depression, partisans, and displaced people all should be honored. 

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