Monday, June 24, 2019


The challenge of the non-incumbents

The Worcester Branch of the NAACP is sponsoring an education meet and greet for non-incumbent school committee candidates. The public is invited to meet the new candidates and ask them one on one questions.

The first part of the meet and greet will be the candidates giving their opinion about fully funded schools (Chapter 70) and disparate discipline enforcement (Chapter 222). The NAACP has met with mayor regarding these issues.

The meet and greet will take place

                                           Monday, July 22, 2019, 6 pm

                                          Centro Community Centr
                                          18 Sycamore St.
                                           Worcester MA 01610
The new candidates are:

Cara Lisa Berg

Chantel Berthea

Laura Clancey

Jernah Kamara

Mariah Martinez

Tracy Novick

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Ruth Rodriiguez (write-in candidate)

John Tobaugh

Hermones McConner