Sunday, May 12, 2019

Venezuela, Contras, and Imperialism

Venezuela, Contras, and Imperialism

Background to the contraction of the Venezuelan economy

Venezuela lacks sufficient hard currency. hard currency is a monetary system that is widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services. A hard currency is expected to remain relatively stable through a short period of time, and to be highly liquid in the forex or foreign exchange. Examples of hard currencies are dollars, euros, and gold.

It did not matter who was president of Venezuela at the time that the price of oil dropped. There would have been a restriction of hard currency as less money came into the country.

Ninety-five percent (95%) of Venezuela hard currency comes from the sale of oil

Since the price of oil has declined over the last five years, the amount of Venezuela’s hard currency has also declined. There is less money to buy food, medicine, and spare parts. The lack of essential goods has been made worse by the sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the United States and other countries.

With the decline in hard currency Venezuela took out loans (hard currency) from IMF and the World Bank. As the price of oil continued to decline the repayment of the loans became harder, leading to a further contraction of the economy.

Venezuela has tried to renegotiate the loans, but the banks have refused to cooperate citing US and EU sanctions.  Because of these sanctions both the EU and the United States are partially responsible for the humanitarian crisis.

Humanitarian Crisis

  Shortages of essential goods have forced many people in Venezuela to seek relief outside the country.  In effect they have become economic refugees. The EU and USA sanctions are partially responsible. Bad policy decisions by Maduro are also to blame. The underlying system of trade for profit is the main disruptive force.

To a certain extent it does not matter who is the president of Venezuela. The people will suffer. Oil price will fluctuate. The banks will make loans. The imperialist powers will send in their militaries and their proxies. War will make the suffering of the people worse. A reasonable person only has to look at Syria and Yemen to see the suffering of the people. Only the bosses win imperialist wars.

Civil War and the Hope for the People

The recent attempt by Guaido to seize power has for the moment failed. He and his allies tried to preempt the May Day rallies. Many people in Venezuela are a part of neighborhood and village collectives and celebrate May Day.

The Guaido media sources all say that Maduro is supported only by the military. The collectives also support him unfortunately. The people of Venezuela need a government that break the controls of the imperialists and their bank over their lives.

Any further attempt to overthrow Maduro will be heavily depended on military aid from the United States. It seems like Guaido will try next to organize militias from the camps of economic refugees. This would be the beginnings a “Contra” army similar to that group who fought the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and was financed by Reagan in the Iran Contra scandal.

Hopefully I am wrong.