Friday, March 9, 2018

Teamster /UPS National Contract 2018

National Teamster/UPS Contract

The Teamster International Union is negotiating new contracts for the workers at United Parcel Service. The present national contract ends July 31, 2018.. The national contract sets wages and health care.   There is a high potential of a strike on August 1, 2018.

The contract and possible strike might have country wide ramifications outside of just the United Parcel Service (UPS)  It influences the union organization efforts of the Teamsters at Amazon and other package handling companies.

The workers at UPS last struck in 1997. Many in Worcester walked with the striking Teamsters at the UPS distribution center in Shrewsbury.

Although it is not in the National Contract, the New England Regional contract has put on the table making Martin Luther King Day a UPS holiday. This is significant as it implies an anti-racist sentiment in the regional Teamster locals. Please see the New England Supplement proposals below.

A large number of the workers at UPS are people of color and women. Everyone who does the grunt work at UPS started out poor and making near minimum wage.

As a class we advance by means of good union jobs and civil service jobs, such as the Post Office and the military, and workers unity.

Other Issues in the National Contract

A.   Harassment
Article 37 currently has no penalty for harassment violations.
The IBT’s proposals include mandatory financial penalties for harassment violations. The minimum penalty would be 4 hours pay going up to a maximum penalty of one week’s pay depending on the severity of the offense.

An Article 37 Committee would be created at the National Grievance Panel to hear harassment grievances that deadlock at the local union and area grievance panel level. An arbitrator would sit in on harassment cases and break the tie if the Article 37 Committee deadlocks.
The danger is the lack of a real enforcement mechanism. The International Union’s proposals for dealing with harassment is based on the current set-up for 9.5 violations, but that procedure has been a failure.

B, Excessive Overtime
All package drivers would have their work day reduced to under 9.5 hours per day with the exception of November and December.
All hours worked after 9.5 would be paid at triple time pay and the driver’s work schedule would be adjusted.

Drivers who want to be exempt from the 9.5 limit would notify management in writing at any time—and have their wage rate increased by one dollar during the exemption period. They would not receive triple time pay for hours worked after 9.5.

Teamsters United proposed that 9.5 triple time pay automatically appear in the next paycheck, eliminating the unnecessary added step of filing a grievance to get paid what the contract promises.

Teamsters United also proposed making all work after 9.5 voluntary. Drivers would have the right to be relieved after 9.5 hours worked.
The Package Division rejected this proposal and replaced it with a 9 p.m. curfew for package drivers under Article 18.  The curfew still allows for a twelve for 13-hour day.

C. Full Time Jobs
 This union’s proposals demand the creation of 10,000 full-time 22.3 jobs over the life of the contract. The company would be required to maintain 22.3 jobs in the local where they are created and to provide reports to locals so that full-time job creation can be policed.

D. Dishonesty Definition
The union is proposing to eliminate the loophole that allows UPS to use technology to fire employees for “dishonesty.”

E. Supervisors Working
Proposed changes to Article 3 would set minimum and escalating penalties for supervisors working violations, starting with a minimum penalty of two hours at double-time pay. Violations of more than two hours would be paid at actual hours worked at double time.

F. Safety and Equipment
Members flooded the IBT with proposals on Article 18 and many have been incorporated into the union’s bargaining demands. The contract is an opportunity to win improvements on heating, cooling, ventilation, mirrors, tires, seats and other equipment.

F. Grievance Procedure
No changes are being proposed to Article 7 (Local and Area Grievance Machinery) or Article 8 (National Grievance Procedure). Apparently, Hoffa thinks the grievance procedure is working just fine!
Teamsters United proposed giving local unions the right to strike on deadlocked grievances and to issue a 72-hour strike notice when management is engaging in widespread harassment or violating grievance settlements.

Management would be required to meet within 72 hours. If the problems were not addressed, the local union would have the right to take any and all economic action, including a strike.

G. Higher Pay for Part time Workers

Increase starting part-time pay to $15 an hour.
Catch-up wage increases for current part-timers.
4-hour daily guarantee

New England Supplement Teamsters’ proposals

Because of the differences in regions of the country, there are Supplements to the national UPS contract. For this region there is a New England Supplement.

MLK Day established as UPS holiday.

Right to strike if grievance not met in a timely manner.

Overtime after 5 hours for part timers

Part timers offered full time jobs before new hires

More 123 full time jobs and they are to stay in local union jurisdiction

When supervisors work union jobs, additional penalties for failure to inform stewards

All hours after 8 hours is double time

Redefine term dishonesty

Discipline contract limitation for initial filing of one week

All discipline records end in 9 months.

Double time on Sunday and holiday 3 times after 10 hour
Seventh week of vacations

Posting vacation year round.

Two 15 minute breaks

End subcontractors

March 1 vacation schedule posting

Consistent start times

Package driver should be on 9-5 schedule